Let's Host a FREE EOY Fact Families Party!

Sunday, May 20

Can you believe it's already May? In less than 1.5 week, I can finally say "TEACHER ON SUMMER BREAK!
Till then the learning in my first-grade classroom doesn't stop. Womp, womp, womp! Yes, I'm that teacher! We don't stop learning until the very last day of school. Yayyyy??? HAHA! #bestteacherever or should I use a different hashtag?

If you're a first-grade teacher like me, or have students that need extra fact families practice you came to the right blog! *sings out loud the Price is Right theme song* YESSSSS, YOU, COMEEEEEEE ON OVER!!

This year my class has been working hard on memorizing their addition and subtraction facts. We've done life-size fact families games, outdoor chalk activities, students vs. teacher competitions, and a ton of other activities to help us.

In fact, fact families are such a  B-I-G deal in my classroom that I'm going to end the school year with a Fact Families Par-tayyy for my students! In addition, I want to give you all a sneak peek of what this party is all about since most of us don't have that many school days left. Knowing me, if I wait to post photos of this party in action, this blog probably won't be up until after summer break. #teacherlife #keepingitreal So if you're interested on how to host a Fact Families Party, keep on reading. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram as well. I will be posting photos from my Fact Families party sometimes this week.

STEP ONE: A Party Banner and Party Hats
You can make DIY party hats with your students or purchase some from the Dollar Store. You don't need to go all out with party decorations. However, you may if you wish to. I will be keeping my party simple with party hats from Target and a handmade banner made from butcher paper.

STEP TWO: Fact Families Centers
Create fact families centers where students can rotate and move around. There are 4 fun and FREE printable centers for this party.

Center 1: Fact Families Puzzles

Print, laminate, and cut out the puzzles. Put 3-4 puzzles on a party plate (1 party plate per student). Depending on how many students you have, you may need more or less puzzles. Each student will try to match the 3 numbers with their fact families. When they're done, they can exchange their plate with another student.

Center 2: Complete the Fact Families
Print out the fact families worksheet(s) and have students complete them in different ways. Since it is the end of the year, I am going to allow my students the choice to do what they like. I will provide them with a list of choices that they can choose from. EX: Complete the worksheet(s) with markers, gel pens, with a partner, in groups, anywhere in the classroom, etc. You can decide what choices are best for your students.

Center 3: Create Your "Magical" Own Fact Families
Pass out the blank fact families worksheet to each student. Have the students write 3 numbers inside the circles using a white crayon. They will then give their worksheet to another friend at their center to complete. That friend will use a colored marker to color each circle anddddd................BAM! the 3 magical numbers will appear. They will use those 3 magical numbers to write the fact families.

Center 4: Write the Room
Print and tape the fact families cards around the room, and outside the hall if you can. Next to each card, write a clue describing where the proceeding card could be found at. 

[OPTIONAL] Once students find all 10 cards and have the correct answers on their sheet, they will come to you and receive a prize. I will be giving each student a raffle ticket for a chance to win our party's grand prize. Do I know what that grand prize will be? Not yet LOL! Maybe a round of applause or a standing ovation from the class HAHAHA! JK. I seriously don’t know yet.

And there you have it - 2 easy steps for hosting a Fact Families Party! You can download all the free printables to host your own Fact Families party by clicking the image below.

If you host your own fact families party, don't forget to tag me on Instagram @classroomshenanigans

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