FREE CVCe Phonics Worksheets!

Sunday, March 26

Hello there! I have great news to share with you today! If you purchased my CVC Phonics Worksheets and LOVED them, I've finally decided to make a second set featuring the long vowels (magic "e"/sneaky "e"/silent "e").
I spent a lot of time creating this second set and am so excited to share with you how I’ve been using them in my own classroom.

First, I teach one long vowel at a time, focusing on word families that have the long vowel we're learning. After we have some practice as a whole class, I introduce the CVCe phonics worksheet. The first thing we do is review each long vowel sound by pointing to them so we remember the sounds they make. Then we practice reading the isolated sounds (with the dots) of the word family to help us understand what sound the long vowel makes and that the "e" doesn't make any sound (hence there's no dot under it). Once we got the isolated sounds down, we move on to blend them together to make the word family.

Next, we move to the word bank and applied what we just learned. For each word, we highlight the long vowel we're learning and draw an arrow to the "e" to help us remember that the highlighted letter makes a long vowel sound. Sometimes we circle the long vowel with a pen or pencil instead of highlighting it. Then we practice reading the words by segmenting them into individual sounds and blending them together. We do this a few times together as a whole class. This helps us practice our letter sounds, long vowels rule, and phonemic awareness skills (segmenting and blending).

After that, we read the words three times. We always read the words using three different voices in three different ways each time. This keeps the students engaged and makes their learning FUN! Sometimes we start off reading the words together mocking my teacher voice, then with a partner using a baby voice, then by ourselves using an old person's voice. Students color a star each time they read all the words so we can track how many times we have read. I'm all about fun and free choice in my classroom so I give my students the choice to read the words in any order they want as long as they read all the words.

Now it’s time to show what learned. We identify and color the picture, write the missing long vowel (students will apply the segmenting skill they learned from the word bank activity to complete this part), and then write the complete word. Finally, we get to incorporate our writing skill in this worksheet by choosing any word from the word bank and using it in a sentence.

Easy and fun right to use, right?! I promise your students will love these worksheets as much as we do. Your students will be learning so many different skills, they won’t even realize it. These worksheets are great for review, homework, whiteboard pocket activity, and so much more. You can also use them in small groups, as a partner activity, or together as a whole class. There are so many ways to use the worksheets that I hope you will find it to be an effective resource in your classroom. This new CVCe Phonics Worksheet set will be 20% for the next 48 hours along with the CVC Phonics Worksheet set by clicking HERE.

Now for your freebie!! I included a 4-page free sample of this resource just for you. You can snag your copy to use right away by clicking on the picture below. Enjoy and Happy Teaching!! Till next time. ✌️✌️
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